We went to Chicago in May to see Chris
Botti perform at the historical Chicago Theatre.
There were moments in that concert that I honestly felt like those scenes from The Matrix.
The ones where the bullets fly through the air and time almost completely stops but not all the way...you know which ones I'm talking about?
I wasn't to jazzed up about this trip; it was going to be hectic; mother's day weekend, hard time finding childcare for the kids, lots of driving, very little sleep....
But those moments listening to several of the most acclaimed musicians in the world...brought a Matrix moment for me...
I didn't breathe for several seconds at a time and all I could think of is that when I get to heaven, that music ...that is all I'll want to do. I'm sure of it...listening for hours.
It's hard to get excited about going to concerts; partly because I studied it for far too many years....but I have made a new
commitment to seek out great music and find it and ENJOY it.

And of course, we stayed at the historic Palmer House Hilton.
I loved the light fixtures and this brass window lock.
And of course, the world famous lobby...
Oh, yeah, and 15 years of marriage to Matt is kinda cool too.
That is why we were there...
We are going to Hawaii next summer for our REAL celebration..
but a night listening to Chris Botti live, almost beats Hawaii....