Monday, November 3, 2008

The Blue Angels....Pensacola Florida...

On Wednesday morning we took the girls to see the Blue Angels (a Navy sponsored airplane stunt team) perform at Pensacola Air Force Base. It started at 8:30 and we werent' sure we wanted to make the effort so early in the morning. Let me tell you....IT WAS WORTH IT!!! AMAZING!! At one point, one of the jets passed us going 700 miles per hour just 40 feet off of the ground. It really was hard to describe and thee pictures do it NO justice!!

Notice two of the planes were upside down. They also fly as close as 18 inches apart from each other.

At the naval museum. Actually quite fun and interesting.

What was the most fun was the girls got to meet one of the Blue Angels...his name was Nate something or other and he graduated from Lapeer High School in 1991!!! He was excited to hear we had lived so close to there!!

Great great day and something the girls will always remember.


Desire of Great Love November 3, 2008 at 6:28 PM  

That's SO cool :)
Jer & I saw then in Charleston, SC the day before we were engaged. They are REALLY awesome, and I'm glad the girls got to see them too :)